The Queen City Ivy & Pearls Foundation is a voluntary, non-profit, 501(c)(3) corporation dedicated to providing purpose-driven programs that empower individuals and communities to grow, strengthen, and sustain.
Our Mission
“To educate and inspire individuals, families, small businesses, and non-profit organizations through targeted programs, charitable activities, and essential resources designed to leverage empowerment opportunities.”
Dr. Renae Sanders, DM
The Board of Directors draw on their deep experiences, varied backgrounds and global perspectives to govern our foundation.
2025 Board of Directors
Dr. Renae Sanders, President
Ivory Thomas, First Vice President
Neeley R. Johnson, Second Vice President
Falecia Morrow, Secretary
Donna Hutsell, Treasurer
Veronica Foster, Member at Large
Dr. Meg Gibson, Community Outreach Chairman
Valerie Vanderhall, Volunteer Co-Coordinator
LaTosha Woods Carter, Volunteer Co-Coordinator
Jade Harris, Newsletter Editor and Public Relations Chairman
Ivy Anderson, Digital Technology Chairman
Loutisha Brown, Real Estate Management Committee Chairman
Shontilia Guy, Debutante & Cotillion Committee Chairman
Shanna Barnes, Scholarship Committee
Kieta Davis-McGill, General Board Member
Danielle Coleman, General Board Member
Honorable Carla N. Archie, President, Rho Psi Omega Chapter
Markelia Weaver, Vice President, Rho Psi Omega Chapter
Sheila Marshall, Treasurer, Rho Psi Omega Chapter